Welcome to the NEW Environmental Task Force Blog!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Mission Statement

The Spelman College Environmental Task Force is a grassroots, student-run organization established to raise the awareness of the Spelman College community in terms of environmental issues, to provide a greater student voice in planning for conservation at the college, and to promote environmental education as a top priority. To effectively achieve these goals, the following aims have been set:

1. Coordinate student efforts on environmental activities and develop a coherent strategy for meeting future environmental education needs of the college.

2. Increase the level of environmental awareness amongst students through lectures and workshops.

3. Encourage students to become knowledgeable of environmental legislation and policies that adversely affect our community.

4. Undertake outreach activities on campus and within the community by working with other campus and community organizations (such as engaging in efforts to promote environmental equity).

5. Make students aware of existing environmentally-related scholarships and fellowships, graduate and professional school programs, career, and research opportunities.

We meet every other Monday at Spelman College, Science Center rm. 244 @ 6:30pm.

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